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The first step in ending domestic violence is understanding our own personal history, taking responsiblity for our part in it, making a conscious decision to create change within ourselves. With knowledge there is healing, compassion and forgiveness, and above all the chance to break the circle of pain, allowing our children the joy and freedom of a violent free life.

Searching for Angela Shelton

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Here is the lastest press release that we just sent out and continue to send out. We need people to copy and paste this and send it out to those you know would want to have this information!

Press Release dated July 29th 2009 From: Wise Women Ink, LLC On September 15th 2009, Lani Phillips, co-founder of Wise Women Ink, LLC, will begin a 17 day journey, traveling from Northern California to Chicago and back, visiting and speaking at domestic violence shelters, juvenile halls and women's gatherings to create awareness for the plight of the victims of domestic violence, and the homeless women and children of America. Phillips, a professional photographer and artist, along with Melinda Field, is the co-creator of three decks of inspirational wisdom cards created for and honoring women of all ages: The Journey, created to empower and guide young women as they walk the path of self-discovery; Wisdom of the Crone, created to empower and remember the role of elders in our society for "When you seek the truth, ask a wise woman"; and Wonder of the Mother, a deck that honors the mother in all of us. Lani herself is a former victim of domestic violence and at the age of 50 has been given the opportunity to speak with young women in juvenile halls and shelters across the country, sharing her own story of tragedy to triumph. As a recovering alcoholic now in her 15th year of sobriety, Lani has much to communicate of the struggle and blessings that are all part of a journey back to self-esteem and wholeness. “The vision of what is needed in this country is becoming all too clear and the need to give back is even stronger,” stated Phillips. Wise Women Ink will be donating their decks to the shelters and juvenile halls that Lani will be speaking at. “The power of images, and visioning and creating a new myth for yourself, is a powerful tool in stepping out of the cycles of abuse, self-violence and shame that so many women feel trapped in,” Phillips continued. She will also be documenting the experience in still photos, video, web casts, blogs and articles along with the help of her producer, Beth Black, who will be traveling with her. “When Lani first told me about this project, I was so impressed by the dedication and compassion that she was expressing that I wanted to help in any way that I could, stated Black. “The need for communities to support their most vulnerable members is so great. I just returned from 5 weeks in Peru and witnessed violence against women that one would think would never be tolerated in this county, and yet it is. I am so grateful for the opportunity to help Lani on her mission to document and shift our consciousness.”After 31 years, Lani will return to The Home For Battered Women in Ogden Utah, where she was one of the first women to enter the program in 1978. She was a victim of domestic violence and had no where to turn. She was referred by the hospital where she was treated for a severe beating to this new shelter in Ogden and stayed at the shelter for several months, an experience would change the course of her life. Lani is one of only 3% of battered women who never went back to the home and relationship where she was abused. Statics show that a woman will go back to her abuser anywhere from 7 to 10 times before she finally finds the strength and courage to change her life. One of the many stops on this multiple state journey, Lani will be speaking to the women who are going through the Transitional Program in Ogden as well as speaking to teenage women in group homes. "The young women of today are in trouble, serious, multi-faceted trouble. The depletion of self esteem, and an inability to care for themselves, create perilous situations that eventually lead them to join the ranks of the American homeless women, or worse lead to their death,” shares Phillips. “How many of us take the time to volunteer at our local shelters, juvenile halls or schools. Imagine if just one suggestion from someone who cared, even if that someone is a stranger, changed the course of a young woman's life.” This is a large project, which will continue long after Lani has returned home. “This is about huge change within the psyche of the American people. This is about pride, and love and respect. And in the end this is about learning to stand on our own two feet as women and stop the violence and degradation that plagues too many of us. This journey will be one of many on-going conversations about compassion, self-worth and change. It is our goal to help bring to light the damage that needs to be repaired and to foster the realization that we need to be there for women in crisis.” For more information, and the itinerary of cities that Lani will be visiting if you would like to get involved, please cal Wise Women Ink, LLC at 1-866-641-1451 or visit the website at Or write to Lani Phillips c/o WWI POB 1450 Mt. Shasta, CA 96067“Our trip will be 5,200 miles, and our basic costs will run $1 a mile,” stated Black. We are looking for sponsors for 50-100 miles chunks, women and men who can help us develop this much needed dialogue and witnessing of one painful aspect of our caring nation. We are also looking for a hotel chain to sponsor and help with some of our lodging so please contact us if you can help. And most importantly, if you are in the areas we will be traveling to on this first journey, and know of others women’s groups that may want to be involved, please let us know. This is about community and communication and compassion and we want to involve as many as we can.”

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